Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Started my year 3 poly life. 2nd day only then I've already got the feeling that everything is so stress! 😢

Wanted to quit my job then I won't be so stress then can focus more on study but 就是开不料口Leh😢

Btw btw! Last friday GOOD FRIDAY one day road trip to malacca with fam and szj is really very fun so I must write it down here haha!
Too fun already cause it's been a while since I had such trip with family.
But the sun is so scorching plus my outfit is making me so uncomfortable until szj keep tio my bullets haha KLD HIM IS FOREVER KLD 
Until my mum and sis all 看不下去 一直帮他讲话 😂😂😂 
 Really really a damn well day spent with them! 💓😍